Can’t I get the same data from Youtube ?


Youtube and other multipurpose video platforms like Vimeo, assume you want to expose your video to as many viewers as you can. This is why they provide you with general, average-based analytics, relating to the audience as a whole. Their analytics (which is excellent, but different from that of Screenable) is helping you derive and get insights about viewership patterns of many viewers. For example, the average time most people watched your video, the point in which most people churned (left the video), the point on the timeline where most people skipped to another part etc.

<aside> 💡 As you can see, the analytics in video platforms refers to audience patterns, not to single viewers.


Screenable is a different concept

Film screeners are usually meant for individuals. They are sent to specific people or roles. Examples are a programmer in a film festival, a selection committee in a pitching event, a potential co-production partner, a commissioning editor or an acquisition personnel in a TV channel or streaming platform.

Therefore, you'd usually want to know how those specific people watched your screener: did they watch it to the end? Did they watch and skipped certain parts? Did they watch it at all?

Screenable provides you with personalized analytics.

Many people tell that they are sure that Youtube and other platforms have that mechanism. No. They don't. Because the nature of those platform is to address many viewers. The presuppose you'd want to reach an audience as large as possible.